I Would Dump ProPresenter If I Could
It's no secret that I have been vocal about issues with ProPresenter 7. We have frequently had issues in which ProPresenter would crash at inopertune times. Up until this time, my hope was that by being the sqeaky wheel they would fix the problems that I have been seeing. Instead of doing that, this weekend, RenewedVision chose to block my access to a forum that they moderate on Facebook and also their own Facebook page. The only post that I know they took issue with was "Is anyone else seeing multiple crashes that aren't reported by the crash reporting system." Aside from that, I made some comments concerning problems with their software development process. My initial assumption was that someone unassociated with Renewed Vision was resposible for blocking me, or perhaps, one employee who hadn't been trained properly. But after contacting them directly, it was revealed to me that it was, in fact, a RenewedVision employee who chose to block me and that it was a decision made by multiple employees. This is quite disturbing to me. I would not expect such unprofessional behavior coming from a significant software development company. Blocking customers because they ask a question that you don't want answered or because they see problems with your software development process is extremely unprofessional.
So far, they haven't blocked me from submitting trouble tickets, but I'm now concerned that they might be picking and choosing which bugs they fixed based on whether they like you or not. I have since discovered a way to get rid of the crash that I was seeing. I deleted the Timers configuration file and then went and recreated the timers, one-by-one. It appears that the Timer's file was corrupted when either the installer or the startup code ran. But I didn't get there by RenewedVision providing me with a solution; I got there by asking that same question that RenewedVision took issue with on another forum and the resulting answers resulted in me finding an answer to the problem.
I'm so tired of messing with these guys. If not for the fact that I don't believe there is other software out there that does what their software does, I would be trying to get rid of ProPresenter. In the past, I have encouraged people to try ProPresenter, but I don't know that I can encourage people to try ProPresenter when I have serious concerns about the professionalism of the company that develops it.