We're in the Minority and Making People Angry
R ussell D. Moore makes the claim in his book Onward that Christians in America are in the minority and probably always have been. He also makes the claim that if we really want to be like Jesus and make an impact on the world, we need to follow Christ in such a way that the world around us views us as strange. The world views what they are doing as normal, so righteousness is one of the strangest things they’ve ever seen. Like most Christians, I’ve read verses like 1 Peter 2:9 and said, “Yes, we’re peculiar,” but I hadn’t thought about how strange we ought to be and I hadn’t thought about just how much of a minority we are. Until this week. The news story was about a teenager registered on the sex offender list . This nineteen year old used a hookup website to find someone to have sex with, but the woman he hooked up with lied about her age. She was only fourteen. So, he ended up being convicted of a sex crime. My comment was that though I didn’t think he should be classified as the ...