
Showing posts from January 6, 2009

Favorite Posts

This is a bonas post, if you will. I'll follow the lead of others such as Michael Hyatt and post links to some of my more popular posts. I don't track statistics for the whole year, so this is based more on a random sample. The following are my most popular blog posts: How to Describe Beauty An Example Book Outline Protagonist/Antagonist "To Be" Verbs -- To Use or Not To Use A Sample Synopsis Show, Don't Tell - Confusion in Action Should Christians Support Prayer in Public Schools? How to Impress God The Faithful Sidekick If I took the figures for the whole year, #4 would probably be at the top, but its popularity was earlier in 2008.


A few days ago, Rachelle Gardner reposted a post about encouragement . I heard of one pastor who said that he doesn’t believe church staff workers need encouragement because only those who are truly passionate about what they do should be doing what they do. I won’t go that far because there are things that get us down from time to time, but I have seen enough church workers put in long hours at a job that only the Lord will notice to know that there is some truth in what he said. Even if he were completely correct, we should encourage each other because God commands it (Hebrews 10:25). Rachelle was talking about the need writers have for encouragement. They are looking for someone to say, “you can do it,” or something like that. I was sitting in my living room and looking at the painting you see here. If you can’t tell by the signature on the painting, I am the artist. When I painted it, I wasn’t trying to paint something that someone would purchase or hang in an art gallery. I didn’t...