Which Advice?
There are a couple approaches to writing a novel. Some people like to write novels by the seat of their pants and just write, while others like to develop an outline. Forgive me if I generalize a little, but it seems to me that seat of the pants novelists favor character driven stories while outliners favor plot driven stories. For our purposes, let’s define these two terms. Character Driven Story – a story in which the author creates interesting characters with a natural dislike for each other, throws them together and sees what happens Plot Driven Story – a story in which the author creates an interesting plot and then goes and figures out what kind of characters would do such a thing In a character driven story, the author might say he has a company owner and a union boss as characters. You can pretty much bet that the plot is going to have something about union negotiations, since that is what normally brings these people together. Or if you go at it form the other direction, i...