10 Things You Know That Ain’t So About Parliamentary Procedure
1. Every motion requires a second While most motions require a second, when a member of a committee makes a motion on the behalf of the committee, no second is required. Also, in a small committee, motions do not require a second. 2. The chair isn’t supposed to vote As long as the chair is a member, the chair retains the right to vote. 3. The chair can break a tie vote Because the chair must maintain an appearance of impartiality, it is advisable for the chair to refrain from voting. The exception is when his vote matters, such as when there is a tie vote. But he isn’t really breaking a tie. When the vote is even, there isn’t a majority, so the motion would fail if the chair doesn’t vote. If he votes in favor of the motion, a majority is achieved and the motion passes. But likewise, if the vote has one more in favor than against, the chair can exercise his right to vote against the motion, thereby creating a tie and causing the motion to fail. 4. A motion is required to adjourn ...