A Pig in Silk
Y esterday, I wrote about the television show Undercover Boss . Today, I want to talk about one of the companies they featured. In the second episode, they followed Coby Brooks as he went undercover in his company, Hooters. In many ways, Hooters appears to be like any other restaurant company, but one of the things they brought out in the show is that many people have the perception that Hooters is degrading to women. Coby Brooks and the television show seemed to make the argument that it isn’t degrading to women. He seems like a very likable guy and I can appreciate that he wouldn’t have a problem with his daughters becoming Hooters girls, but as I watched the episode, I couldn’t shake the thought that no matter how you say it, the fact is that Hooters does create an environment that is degrading to women. The episode included showing a manager who selects the girls who get to leave early by having them participate in degrading games. While Coby Brooks appears to see this as inapp...