What Happens If Justin D. Gawronski Wins?
A s you have probably heard, Justin D. Gawronski claims that when Amazon.com removed illegal copies of a book he was reading, it messed up his notes so much that it forced him to redo his homework. Rather than ranting for an hour and then settling down to redo his homework, like you or I would have probably done, Justin D. Gawronski has decided to sue Amazon.com . I'm no legal expert, so I don't know all of the issue involved here, but I ask myself what it would mean to me as a writer if Justin D. Gawronski were to win this case. Did Amazon.com do the Right Thing? Some people have argued that Amazon.com was wrong for deleting the book, which had been made available without the permission of the copyright holder. They argue that this situation was handled differently than it would have been for a print book. Most likely, with a print book, the copyright holder would have notified Amazon.com of the situation and Amazon.com would have removed it from availability immediately. A...