
Showing posts from June 7, 2011

It's Not the Music Silly

S ome years ago, I was a music director. It was a small church and an unpaid position, but I took my job seriously. It was during the heat of the contemporary vs. traditional music debate and I had it in my head that if we could just get some newer music into the church services we would see growth. Being the young man that I was, I had this vision of singlehandedly turning that church around and I was going to do it through the music ministry. In my mind, I saw hundreds of people deciding to attend our church because our music was the kind of music they enjoyed. I look back now and laugh at that, not because I’m against churches using more contemporary music, but because I see now that the music program won’t provide sustainable growth for a church. I won’t say that some people don’t consider what kind of music the church has when they consider a church, but I’ve realized that if a church is going to look like what the Lord wants a church to look like, the church members are going t...