On Guest Bloggers
O kay, here’s the thing. If you blog, having a guest blogger is a good thing for a number of reasons. It gives you a break. It attracts readers from the other person’s blog. It gives the appearance of an endorsement of your blog. It helps you develop a friendship with your guests. With so many reasons why we would want to have guest bloggers, you might find it odd that I don’t like guest bloggers. That may be too strong of a statement. It isn’t like I’m going to go short-sheet their beds or something, but I’m not a big fan of guest blogging, in general. I see a number of problems with guest blogging. The first has to do with my personal experience with guest bloggers on other blogs. I follow a number of blogs and some of them have guest bloggers. When I see that a guest blogger has written the post, I tend to ignore or skim the post, even when the guest blogger has a blog that I follow. On top of that, guest posts tend to be longer than they really need to be. It’s as if the guest blog...