
Showing posts from June 13, 2011

Not For the Reason You Think

I ’ve heard my pastor say that if there wasn’t a sermon preached, a song sung, or a class taught that he would want to be at church, just for the fellowship. I believe he is sincere in what he says and of course, our church always has sermons from the word of God and good singing, but I wonder how many people across America do exactly that. How many people attend church because they want the fellowship rather than because they desire to hear the gospel preached? We’ve conditioned ourselves to think otherwise. We accuse people of going to the lake or going to the ballgame instead of attending church. We’re critical of people—and rightly so—when they schedule their family gatherings on Sunday and go to those rather than attending church. But we’ve conditioned ourselves to think that people wouldn’t attend church just because it is fun. After all, aren’t there more entertaining things to do than go to church? Why, some churches even mimic those activities because they don’t believe they...