How Do We Know God Exists?
I ronic though it may seem, when I think of faith, I can’t help but think of Richard Dawkins as one of the greatest examples of a man of faith. Dawkins, despite the total lack of evidence that it is even possible for one species to evolve into another, continues to preach the message that evolution is the only possible way that man could come into existence. At one point, he even said that he believes that it is more likely that some alien race populated Earth with the seeds of life than that a God created the Universe. He writes book after book, preaching his message to anyone who will read it. There isn’t much of what he says that I can agree with, but I can’t help but admire his faith. I don’t have the kind of faith Richard Dawkins does. I don’t have much use for blind faith. You see, I’m from Missouri—you’ll have to show me. I think a lot of people have the idea that the faith God asks for is more like the faith Richard Dawkins has. They think that God calls us to believe he exis...