T oday, I want to take one more look at Tate Publishing and Enterprises LLC. In case you missed Tuesday’s post, Tate Publishing is a subsidy press that focuses on unpublished authors. They charge a $3,990 publicist setup fee, but they do appear to have sufficient staff to justify their claim that they have allocated $27,000 for each book. Today, I want to look less at promises and more at results. In the interest of showing rather than telling, take a look at the video below: One of the services that Tate Publishing provides is that they create fifteen second spots like the one above and run them on cable networks. They promise 80,000 impressions. Or to state it another way, they promise that 80,000 people will see that commercial. Someone from Tate Publishing is welcome to correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they charge an additional fee for these commercials. The way I would expect this to play out is that each commercial will air one time with about 80,000 people watching. T...
a. she has stopped loving him;
b. she doesn't think he loves her enough and believes she's found someone who loves her more;
c. she has needs and wounds that go so deep, she is never satisfied with the love of one good man, but is constantly searching for more, more, more. (More love.) In other words, she has issues she needs to face or she'll never be happy.
d. her husband thinks he loves her, but doesn't treat her lovingly. In fact, he treats her with disdain, contempt or even abuse (verbal, psychological, even physical). There are no shortage of men who claim to love their wives, and even believe it themselves, but have no idea how to treat someone lovingly.
Unless a woman is being abused, she will rarely leave a man who "loves" her unless it is for someone else.