
Showing posts from December, 2019

Reasons for Old Earth/Young Earth

W hat are the arguments for saying that the Earth is old and what are the arguments that the Earth is young? Below is a list of some that I have heard on both sides. I doubt that anyone will read this and go away having changed their mind on the position they hold. I do, however, think that if someone wishes to argue their position they will need to address the reasons that are given on the other side. Reasons for Young Earth Reasons for Old Earth The Bible says creation took six days. The word used for "day" could be translated as "period." The Bible says that Adam was "in the beginning." The word "day" is used multiple ways in Genesis 1. The great flood would have removed evidence of anything prior to it. Hebrews 3 implies that we are still in the seventh "day." The geniologies have enough people to cover about 6,000 years. Genesis 1:12 declares that "the Earth brought forth," implying that it took some time for the pl...