
Showing posts from April, 2018

Google Censoring Religious Speech?

I t was a post shared by Mike Huckabee that caught my attention. " Google Rejects Christian Publisher's Ads Because They Mention Bible and Jesus " the title read. In the current political climate it's the kind of thing that people are likely to point to as more persecution from the left or to point to as much ado about nothing from the right, depending on what their political leaning might be. So, which is it? While I respect Mike Huckabee a great deal, he isn't always so great about verifying his sources and "The Western Journal" which is were the article is located often gets things wrong. I really began to question it when I noticed that it was talking about "AdWords" and " personalized content ." For those of you who don't know, "AdWords" is the term Google uses to describe advertising that targets a particular audience based on what keywords they search for. For example, if you type "coffee" into the Goog...