
Showing posts from July, 2013

They Can Plug Themselves In

I n our Wednesday evening services, our church is discussing the book, I Am a Church Member . Our pastor asked how we should plug in a new church member to a place of service. There were several answers, but I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the answer, “They can plug themselves in.” That is most certainly true. There are some people who join a church and whether the existing membership knows how to use them or not, it won’t be long before they’ll be busy doing something. In some cases, they end up doing things the existing church members wouldn’t have thought of. This is the case with the lady who made the observation. Since the time they joined the church, she and her husband have been asked to serve in various ways, (and they have done so willingly) but they ministry they are most known for is one that they were the first to see the need for. As a church member, I feel that I have a responsibility to “plug myself in.” Whether someone asks me to do something or not, I have a resp...